This course is only $ 27 and can save you thousands of dollars.

Included is the workbook

'Tips on how to update your kitchen on a budget' ($18 value)

What a difference paint can make

It didn't take long to update this kitchen.

And I didn't even spend $ 100.

But it feels so much better now, the kitchen looks modern and bright and makes me happy to start my day in.

Before and after pictures

This was the first kitchen I painted. I couldn't stand the dark look of the cabinets and the dark floor. It was just too much brown.

So I experimented and painted it in two different greys.

The paint was not even $ 200, new hardware was $ 25.

We also updated the stove, the dishwasher and added a range hood. The whole kitchen update was $ 2,000.

What do you think?

So far I have painted 3 kitchens, numerous vanities, and many RV cabinets

I don't like dark, brown kitchens with dark floors. It is just too depressing.

But I also don't like to spend thousands of dollars on new cabinets.

Not being able to use my kitchen for weeks when ordering new cabinets is another factor that made me learn how to paint cabinets the easy and fast way.

And updating cabinets is so much easier than installing a new floor.

It is amazing to see the transformation of a dated and dark-looking kitchen into a happy and modern looking one.

Painted kitchen cabinets in grey
My first kitchen update

This was the first kitchen I painted. A pretty big project that I finished within 10 days. I painted every day for about 2-3 hours until I was done. This was a big transformation from dark brown to light and modern looking.

Easy kitchen update

This kitchen was fast and easy to update because it is a small kitchen, less cabinets. And I experimented with just one color for the whole kitchen but then changed it to a lighter color on top and the darker color for the lower cabinets.

painted bathroom vanity
Bathroom Vanity

Starting with painting a vanity is a good idea if you have never painted before.

This is an excellent project to get confident in before you move on to more significant projects.

This course is only $ 27 and can save you thousands.

Included is the workbook

'Tips on how to update your kitchen on a budget' ($18 value)

A good-looking kitchen makes all the difference

Starting your day in a kitchen you actually love makes a big difference.

And you don't need to hide your dated-looking kitchen when guests come over because you are so embarrassed of the look.

Show off your kitchen and tell them you did this all by yourself for a fraction of the cost of a new kitchen.

And it looks like new.

This course is only $ 27 and can save you thousands.

Bonus for a limited time is the workbook

'Tips on how to update your kitchen on a budget' ($18 value)


Meet Conny

Travel addict, dog lover, and interior designer who is constantly updating homes, apartments, and RVs.

Brown is not her favorite color. You can see that when you enter her house or her Travel Trailer.

A bright and happy surrounding is absolutely essential for her as well as the sun and a nearby beach to go for long walks with the dog Apache.

She is also trying very hard to eat healthily, do exercises every day, and live a happy life with her husband, son and dog.

Check out her blog at for a lot of information around RVing and updating whatever doesn't look good.

But Don't Just Believe Me...

so far over 300 women have bought my workbook and course. They have updated their brown and beige interior into a happy and bright-looking RV.


Bonus for a limited time is the workbook

'Tips on how to update your kitchen on a budget' ($18 value)